
Review: Stage Invasion: Poetry & the Spoken Word Renaissance. By Pete Bearder. Anglia 138.1 (2020): 191-193. https://doi.org/10.1515/ang-2020-0015.

“Fiktion als Biografie: Was darf ein Roman?” Der Standard Forum Junge Akademie, 14. März 2018. https://derstandard.at/2000076012417/Fiktion-als-Biografie-Was-darf-ein-Roman.

“On the Interface between Page and Stage: Interview with Patience Agbabi.” With Pascal Fischer. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 64.3, special issue on Poetry and Performance (Oct 2016): 353-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/zaa-2016-0033.

“‘Inaccurate but Truthful’: Q&A with Screenwriter Peter Morgan.” With Werner Huber. European Journal of Life-Writing 4.2 (2015): http://ejlw.eu/article/view/165.

Review: Autobiographies of Others. By Lucia Boldrini. Comparative Critical Studies 14.1 (2017, Edinburgh UP): forthcoming.

Review: Unter dem Konferenztisch. Kurzgeschichten. By Nicole Mahal.  Podium 169/170 (2013): 134.

Review: Nah.Auf.Stellung. Gedichte. By Monika Vasik. Podium 165/166 (2012): 174-175.

Gesprächige Poeten, schweigende Kritiker.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 5 Aug 2012. 7 Sep 2012.

“You have to have a grá to do it”: An Interview with Irish Storytellers Clare Murphy, Niall de Búrca, and Joe Brennan.” (with Sandra Mayer) Ireland in Film, Drama, and Popular Culture. Trier: WVT, 2012. 183-192.

“Live Poetry: When Poets Get Loud and Critics Remain Silent.” Irish Times 17 July 2011.

Live Poetry: When Poets Get Loud and Critics Remain Silent.El País 9 Sept 2011.

Review: Das englische Drama der Gegenwart. Ed. Merle Tönnies. Anglia – Zeitschrift für englische Philologie 128.3 (Apr 2011): 544–547.

“His Schmäh is like a red red rose”. Review of Dieter Berdel’s bilingual edition of Robert Burns’ The Jolly Beggars. The Vienna Review 3 (2009), 9.

“Of you and I and depressing ducks: interview with John Siddique”. Poetry Salzburg Review 11 (Spring 2007): 180-185.