Poetry & Performance

Given the increasing popularity of literary festivals, open mics, and poetry slams, one could justifiably claim that the Anglophone world is currently experiencing a Live Poetry boom. But what is the difference between the poem performed and the poem encountered in silence on the page? How can we read a poetry performance? This is the central question addressed in Julia Lajta-Novak’s book Live Poetry: An Integrated Approach to Poetry in Performance and a number of essays on live poetry.
Together with Pascal Fischer, she also edited a special issue of Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik on “Poetry and Performance” (2016).

Since September 2021, she has again been devoting her energies to the spoken word — as principal investigator of a large project entitled “Poetry Off the Page: Literary History and the Spoken Word, 1965-2020”, supported by the START prize of the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Grant Nr. Y 1263-G) and a Consolidator Grant of the European Research Council (European Research Council (Grant Agreement nr. 101002816).

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